ADPG Performance Solutions - coloration


Our pigments help to achieve an excellent combination of coloring effectiveness and final use performance in many plastic applications.


Sterically hindered phenols are powerful stabilizers for the melt processing of polyolefins.

The combination of a sterically hindered phenol and a phosphyte is more effective in many instances than a phenol alone.

PE can undergo crosslinking as well as chain scission during processing and significant changes in molecular weight distribution can result. Thus, the materials’ mechanical properties may be reduced severely. AD&PG offers a very large range of products to efficiently stabilize polyethylene.

Related products

During Processing

Light Stabilization



Located in São Roque, about 50 km from the city of São Paulo, AD & PG offers a fast and efficient system of distribution and delivery of products. Our address: Av. Getúlio Vargas, 930 - Bloco 9E - Centro, São Roque - SP. CEP: 18130-430

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